How to Prepare Screen Captures for Print

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If you’re creating software documentation for print, or you want to show an image of a Web page in your project, you may need to include screen captures of software interface components such as menus or panels in your page layouts. Screen captures are easy to make using a system utility or dedicated screen-capture software, but they require some special handling to print clearly. When they’re part of software documentation or instructional materials, it’s important that the details are as sharply rendered as possible.

You should understand this about screen captures: Whether you take them by using your system’s built-in screen-capture functionality or a third-party screen-capture application, you are merely intercepting information that eventually becomes pixels on your monitor. Regardless of your current monitor resolution, there is a one-to-one relationship between the fixed number of pixels that an application (and your system) uses to render panels and menus and the number of pixels you see on your screen, even if you use a zoom utility. Of course, the size of the overall image you see is a function of your current monitor resolution, but the pixel dimensions of panels, menus, and tools will be identical, regardless of resolution. (Figure 1)

…continue below for more


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You Are Invited

Friday, April 18th from 6 – 9 pm
at the Urban Arts Gallery

Brolly Arts’ project Plastique brings to light the wonderful horrible nature of plastic.

A multidisciplinary show full of visual art, dance, poetry, film, and research, each expression fashioned into works that inspire, engage and inform.

Urban Arts Gallery

Friday, April 18, 2014 
From 6 – 9 pm in conjunction with Gallery Stroll
Plastique exhibit runs from April 7 – May 3

2D & 3D Art Exhibit Proposal Call for Entries

Subject: 2D & 3D Art Exhibit Proposal

Call for Art to UTAH ARTISTS seeking a degree in art after life experience!

Application Deadline: Friday July 1, 2014 by midnight.

The talent and dedication of students returning to a university after raising a family or career in another field is amazing. This exhibit proposal will spotlight these students and allow the community to see their artwork and share their story. Each piece will be displayed with the story behind the artist that created it; why they returned to school and their experiences there.

This exhibit proposal will be submitted to the Utah Division of Arts and Museums for their consideration in exhibiting at the Rio or Alice Galleries. This call for art is to select a body of work for submission to the Utah Division of Arts and Museums. If chosen to exhibit in one of these prestigious galleries for the 2015 season it will be an incredible opportunity.


information links below




•Artist must be a current or recent student (attended school after Jan 1 2011).

•Artist must be a returning student: seeking a degree after an absence of at least 15 years from high school.

•Artist must be seeking a degree in art in the State of Utah.


•Work must have been created within the last 2 years.

•Must not have been exhibited in Salt Lake venue in past year, and agree not to exhibit until after this proposed exhibit.

•No larger than 70” on any side, including frame

•Accepted media: 2D (drawing, painting, printmaking, mixed media, photography) 3D (ceramics, sculpture, mixed media)

•Up to 3 images may be submitted


If you have any questions about the submission requirements please email<>. Applications that are late, submitted in an incorrect format or that are incomplete will not be accepted.
To be considered for this proposal, applicants must be a current or recent Utah student and submit all of the required materials by email before July 1 2014.

Application and Story file must be separate .PDF files (first initial.last name.filename.PDF). Images must be JPG’s (firstinitial.lastnamenumber.JPG) no larger than 2 MB.

Applicant needs to be aware that if accepted they are responsible for having artwork to and from the designated Salt Lake location by the specified date at the artist’s expense. Artwork must be ready for exhibition: 2D artwork finished and framed with acrylic or plexiglass (no glass) or canvas stretched over frame, wired and ready to hang, 3D artwork complete and assembled ready for pedestal.

Application: Complete and signed scan or photo in pdf or jpg (j.doe.application.PDF). *

2. Your Story: 1-2 paragraphs telling the viewer about you. You can include why you are seeking an art degree, what your goals or struggles are/were, your focus in school, or anything interesting about you and your education. Get help writing or proofing if needed. Most importantly this needs to be short and interesting as this will be posted next to your art piece.   Include applicant’s name above the paragraph (j.doe.story.PDF).

3. Images of Proposed Work: Provide only 1 image of each piece for consideration. If submitting more than one piece label them accordingly (j.doe.proposal1.01.JPG; j.doe.proposal1.02.JPG). Each image must not exceed 2MB.


Application Proposal Deadline: July 1, 2014

Artist Notification of inclusion in Proposal by email no later than August 1, 2014

Application will be submitted to Utah Arts & Museums for their consideration by September 1, 2014. Information will be sent to included artists regarding acceptance of Proposal as received.


_____ Application, complete and signed.

_____ Your Story, not to exceed 2 paragraphs, include applicant’s

_____ Images of Art, up to 3 images per artist, .JPG under 2mb.


This proposal is a private enterprise for submission to the Utah Division of Arts and Museums exhibition program. More information about the requirements and submission process can be found at ***

This proposal will be curated by Sally Rydalch. Selection by a committee composed of artists and non-artists will review applications and select entries that include the following criteria:

Quality and suitability of applicant’s artwork in exhibition

Applicant’s story and relevance to exhibition

Ability of Applicant to meet requirements of acceptance

The proposal to Utah Division of Arts & Museums will include a statement similar to this:

I propose an exhibit titled “Never Too Late….” for Nontraditional Utah students. These mature students are attending higher education either for the first time in their later years or after a prolonged absence. They are seeking a degree in art with a unique story behind them, eye-opening experiences and self discoveries at school, and an often long anticipated future ahead.

This exhibit will give them an opportunity to exhibit their current work and share their story. Each piece will be displayed with the story behind the artist that created it; why they returned to school and their experiences there. Participants will be solicited from colleges and universities across the state, and will be open to returning students who are currently enrolled and seeking a degree or who have achieved their degree within the last three years.

By having the artists work and story displayed side by side visitors can see more of what is driving that particular artist and how or why they created the piece. I anticipate this exhibit opening a dialogue with viewers concerning prospects for the artist and possibilities for the viewer, perhaps even revisiting discarded goals. An opening reception will launch this dialogue between artist and viewer, giving the artist the opportunity to meet others and discuss their work. Because artists will be included from across the state and from various backgrounds, this will also draw new visitors to the museum among the friends and family of these unique artists.

Media for this exhibit will include two and three dimensional art such as drawing, painting, printmaking, mixed media, photography, ceramics and sculpture. Potential exhibiting artists will apply and submit images digitally. Artwork will be reviewed and acceptance notices sent so that only art included in the exhibit will come to the gallery.

*Sales inquiries are referred to artists by gallery. No commission is taken. Work can be NFS

**Dates may be subject to change. ***All entries and artists subject to guidelines and deadlines of this proposal committee and of Utah Division of Arts & Museums which are subject to change without notice.

No liability is expressed or assumed for artwork, images, exhibit or electronic failure by either Sally Rydalch or the exhibit proposal committee.



For his masters thesis, recent Pratt Institute graduate Aaron Mickelson redesigned mainstream consumer packaging to eliminate waste. How? By creating a package that completely disappears by the time the product is finished. The Disappearing Projectpresents 5 different solutions in a hope to spark conversation and change.

Redesigned Consumer Packaging Disappears To Eliminate Waste in technology news events home furnishings Category



Redesigned Consumer Packaging Disappears To Eliminate Waste

Info Graphics

Creating Infographics That Don’t Suck

– See more at:




It’s one thing to design infographics, but it is quite another to be well-versed in the art of creating infographics that don’t suck. I know that whenever I see an infographic, I think it’s pretty awesome and am immediately impressed. I love that complex information can be brought to a reasonable comprehension level. Not being a designer myself, I tend to get wrapped up in the pretty colors and focus less on whether the infographic has done its job.

That’s why when I received The Best American Infographics 2013 in the mail, I was anxious to see what the experts had to say about creating infographics that not only didn’t suck, but were, in fact, the best of the year. Much to my delight, the book over-delivered. There were cool infographics (Mixology), impressive infographics (Paths Through NYC), humorous infographics (Quantified Self) and ones that straight-up blew my mind (Wind Map). Best of all, these delightful examples of data visualization helped me come up with a list of eight qualities that non-sucky infographics possess.

– See more at:

Don’t Work for Free!



I appreciate all the emails, but……NO, I will not paint or draw you, design a tattoo for you, give you art, donate to your Kickstarter, create your website, post your artwork on my page or share your page with my fans for free.

I create art, and do design to make a living living. This is my “career”. You don’t go to a store and expect them to give you free things, so wSee More



Gregory Mortenson Fine Artist Upcoming Summer Workshop


I have three upcoming Portrait workshops.  The first is in New York at the Grand Central Academy of Art.  It will be a five day portrait workshop that will run from June 2nd -6th.  Students can choose to either paint or draw.  For more information and to register click here.
I will also be teaching two workshops in St. George, Utah.  June 16th-20th will be a 5 day drawing course, while June 23rd-27th will be a 5 day painting course.  The same model and pose will be used for both courses and can be combined for a more finished portrait.  More information can be found on the brochure below.

One of my favorite students from South Carolina, wrote an informative review on her blog of a shorter 3 day course I taught in Charleston.  The same information will be covered in these workshops but with a few more days to cover it.   Click here for her review.

If you have any questions contact me at

Art & Design Group